This ritual came out of my 10th Anniversary Celebration. Thanks to my client collaborator Breanne Faurot.
Step 1: Get Ready
Figuring out what the time capsule can be a big part of the ritual/activity. Time capsules are normally sealed, so consider how everyone can help seal it up.
- build/paint a wooden box and nail it shut. Or pick one up at the craft or dollar store.
- repurpose something in the house, or head out to a local thrift store.
- Create/make an envelope and seal it.
- Use a box with a clasp and get a lock for each of you.
- Use a cardboard box, ribbon or string, tie knots and then seal them off with candle wax
- Create something that fits with your values. I saw one made from plastic pop bottles. Sealed shut with a glue gun.
- Dream big!
- If it’s something with a single lock (like an old suitcase), then decide where the lock will go/who will be the keeper.
- In a pinch, you can buy pre-made time capsules on Amazon. Or elsewhere.
Step 2: Find/Create what goes in
This next step has waaaaayyyy too many ideas. Just use the ones that work for you.
Most have links to printable pages.
A. Together Activities
These could be family projects, conversations, or even games. You can do them together, or zoom in others. Just make sure that you’ve got a scribe!
- The World in 2020
- Our Family in 2020
- Create a piece of artwork. Or design the time capsule!
- Take pandemic pictures of your house, its rooms and how your life has changed, what made this year different.
- The Cost of Living in 2020
- Fortune Teller Imagining what your lives will look like. And making predictions about who you will be.
B. Kids Activities
In 5 or 10 years…or however long you decide before you open it…chances are, your kids will have changed the most.
Help them mark who they are at this moment.
- Add something that you don’t need or want anymore but will enjoy seeing when this is opened. Remember, it needs to be small enough to fit in! So no hockey sticks!
- What did you look like when you went outside? Draw a picture of it!
- All About Me: your life and loves in 2020.
- My Pandemic Year. Questions specifically geared toward kids.
One-on-One Activities (by yourself or interviewing others)
You can do these on your own as reflective exercises. Or interview each other and ask questions. Or in some cases, invite that someone special who can’t be with you to contribute, either by writing or answering these questions.
You may want to share before putting in. Or keep it until it’s opened…you will know.
- Imagine The Best Day Ever. Something you’ll love to read years from now.
- Have a Pandemic Interview with someone you love.
- Have a Pandemic interview with someone you love who works in Healthcare. How were their lives different?
- Will It Still Exist? Ask yourself/others about things that may/not be around when the capsule is opened.
- My Gratitude List A great way to intro the concept and frame the year.
- A Letter to the Future, written by your kids, or yourself to your kids
- Sharing Stories. Your loved ones write a memory for your kids.
- Pandemic Love Letter. okay, it’s not a love letter per se, just some (pretty good) questions!
- Pandemic Self Check-In. Allows to you do a little self-reflection. Check the wake behind you.
Step 3: Assemble and Seal it
Maybe you’ve already built the time capsule by now. Or perhaps part of this final step is both creating and filling it.
For me, this last step is more of a celebration, so I’ll focus on that.
What you need:
- the time capsule (or parts if you are going to assemble it here)
- A way to seal it (see top section)
- all the stuff you’ve collected, separately and together.
- Something with bubbles to celebrate with, like sparkling beverages.
- And if you have a special dish/treat you like, sure, add it.
**Here’s how I would begin (if I was leading this)…
So we are making history today!
And we are sealing away history too.
Some of the things we will add, we will have forgotten about in ____ years’ time.
Others will have changed.
And we will have all changed for sure!
**So however you want to add things….as much sharing as you wish.
**And if you want, at the end, you can ask some closing questions, like:
What did you like most about getting ready for today?
What did you like to do the best?
What did you learn?
**At the end….when everything is in….
Now, we’re going to put all this away for (how long).
So that means on _______(date) we will all gather back here together.
We may not be the same, be we will do our best to be here.
And we will open this up and…..
**Start with a parent….
“will you put your hand on the time capsule?
Now, do you promise that you will do everything in your power to be here to open this time capsule on ____________(date)?”
Answer: I will
**Then, tie it, lock it, whatever.
**Do it for each person.
There, now we are done!
Let’s celebrate!
** however you like to celebrate…fizzy, bubbles, pizza, cheezies, whatever…:)
Would you prefer a complete list of activities in a printable PDF? Here it is. Time Capsule Worksheets.ALL
I’d love to see what you come up with! Pictures, comments, feedback, anything!
Hi Barbara!
I think your idea is wonderful! Just last week I found a big envelope with the legend “Do not open till 2020” It was my youngest son school project! To think he did it when he was 8 years old! Finding it was a very nice surprise as I imagine opening a time capsule in 2040 will be.
Oh and he’s of the age now that he will appreciate it! So cool! It will be so great to watch him open it! So cool! Maybe if you build a family one, you can put it in for safekeeping? ha ha xo